This compelling film collection portraying Jesus’ tender regard for women, is being met with incredible response around the world--inspiring women everywhere to realize and reclaim the purpose they were always intended know God’s love for them and to make it known to others.
- 1:01:04
Magdalena - Full video
- 1:08
1 Title and Introduction
- 1:15
2 Mary Magdalene goes to Rivka's house
- 2:29
3 Creation
- 1:27
4 Temptation and Fall of Mankind
- 2:12
5 Abraham
- 1:18
6 Isaiah
- 1:56
7 Announcement to Mary
- 1:16
8 Mary's Visit to Elizabeth
- 1:18
9 Joseph's Response
- 0:23
10 Birth of Jesus
- 1:04
11 Simeon's Prophecy
- 0:50
12 Explanation of Miraculous Birth
- 1:31
13 Baptism of Jesus by John
- 1:36
14 Jesus Proclaims Fulfillment of the Scriptures
- 3:54
15 Mary Magdalene Freed from Demons
- 1:15
16 Rivka's Home, Disciples Chosen and Women Followers
- 0:52
17 Rome Took Everything but Jesus Offered Hope
- 1:09
18 Jesus Raises the Widow's Son
- 3:57
19 Sermon on the Mount
- 5:54
20 The Woman at the Well
- 2:14
21 Teaching About Prayer and Faith
- 1:11
22 Jesus Spends Time with Sinners
- 3:09
23 The Woman with the Issue of Blood
- 1:52
24 Jairus' Daughter Brought Back to Life
- 1:39
25 Jesus Feeds 5,000
- 1:39
26 Teaching about Following Him
- 1:58
27 Healing on the Sabbath
- 0:53
28 Roman and Religious Leaders Upset with Jesus
- 1:19
29 Widow's Offering
- 2:59
30 The Adulterous Woman Forgiven
- 0:58
31 Judas agrees to Betray Jesus
- 1:59
32 Jesus Is Betrayed, Arrested
- 4:29
33 Jesus on Trial
- 4:20
34 Jesus Carries His Cross and Is Crucified
- 0:47
35 Mary Recalls Simeon's Words
- 0:58
36 The Thief Promised Paradise
- 1:07
37 Darkness and Jesus' Death
- 2:21
38 Burial of Jesus
- 1:23
39 Women at the Tomb, Body Gone
- 2:37
40 Magdalena Sees the Resurrected Jesus
- 2:18
41 Magdalena Explains Jesus' Death and Resurrection
- 1:55
42 Knowing God Personally
- 3:12
43 Rivka Believes
- 1:38
44 Living the Christian Life
- 1:22:31
45 Magdalena - Director's Cut
The Creation of the Universe
The Temptation and Fall of Humanity
The Prophet Abraham

Click (here) to download the portion of the film [The Creation of the Universe-Maay version] to begin to learn how to read and write the Maay-Maay language.

Click (here) to download the portion of the film [The Temptation and Fall of Humanity-Maay version] to begin to learn how to read and write the Maay-Maay language.